term | pronunciation | English |
玄関 | げんかん | entrance to (Japanese) house |
関係 | かんけい | relation, connection |
関西 | かんさい | (south-western half of Japan, including Osaka) |
関連 | かんれん | relation, connection, relevance |
交通機関 | こうつうきかん | transportation facilities |
税関 | ぜいかん | customs house |
亭主関白 | ていしゅかんぱく | husband who rules the roost; the hectoring of the husband |
人間関係 | にんげんかんけい | human relations |
機関 | きかん | mechanism; agency, organisation, institution, organ |
機関紙 | きかんし | bulletin, (party) organ |
機関銃 | きかんじゅう | machine gun |
無関係 | むかんけい | unrelated |
特恵関税 | とっけいかんぜい | preferential tariff, preferential duty |
玄関先 | げんかんさき | entrance, front door |
玄関番 | げんかんばん | doorkeeper, janitor |
舶用機関 | はくようきかん | marine engine |
蒸気機関 | じょうききかん | steam engine |
諮問機関 | しもんきかん | consultative body, advisory committee, advisory organ |
金融機関 | きんゆうきかん | financial institutions, banking facilities |
関 | せき | barrier, gate |
関与 | かんよ | participation, taking part in, participating in, being concerned in |
関係者 | かんけいしゃ | authorized people, authorised people, person(s) concerned |
関心 | かんしん | concern, interest |
関税 | かんぜい | customs, duty, tariff |
関税貿易一般協定 | かんぜいぼうえきいっぱんきょうてい | General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (abolished in 1995), GATT |
関節 | かんせつ | joints (knee joint, elbow joint, etc.) |
霞が関 | かすみがせき | area in Tokyo; Japanese government departments (euph) |
霞ケ関 | かすみがせき | area in Tokyo; Japanese government departments (euph) |
霞ヶ関 | かすみがせき | area in Tokyo; Japanese government departments (euph) |