meaning'interval, space'
 onyomiカン, ケン
 kunyomiあいだ, ま, あい
カン、ケン、あいだ、まinterval, between, space
にんげんhuman being
いえまちがいえるto make a mistake
(りんかんがっこう)outdoors school (camp)
いちねんかんa year
いっしゅうかんone week
せけんworld, society, life, people
間にまにあうto be in time for, to do
いちじかんone hour
たんじかんa short time
かいしゃにんげんemployee (corporate)
やかん(に)at night, in the night
ひるまdaytime, during the day
えるまちがえるto err, to make a mistake
隙間すきまcrevice, crack, gap, opening
じかんわりtimetable, schedule
ちゅうかんmiddle, midway, interim
ねまきsleep-wear, nightclothes, pyjamas, nightgown
間もまもなくsoon, before long, in a short time
みんかんprivate, civilian, civil, popular, folk, unofficial
かんかくspace, interval, SPC
いっしゅんかんmoment, instant
間のにんげんのだらくthe fall of man
じんかんばんじさいおうがうまinscrutable are the ways of heaven, fortune is unpredictable and changeable
にんげんこくほうliving national treasure
にんげんかんけいhuman relations
なかまいりjoining a group
きゅうけいじかんrest time, intermission
れいきゃくきかんcooling-off period
くかんsection (of track, etc.), segment, dimension
うちゅうかんbetween right and center fielders (baseball) (centre)
かいまみるto take a peep at, to catch a glimpse of
なつじかんdaylight savings time, summer time
けいやくきかんcontract period
うちゅうくうかんthe void of space
いまliving room (western style)
いわまamong rocks
きょうかんbetween the mountains
こうそくじかんtotal hours spent working
しょうわねんかんShowa era
れ間はれまa break (in the weather); lightheartedness
きかんperiod, term, interval
ついかんばんintervertebral disk
はざまinterval; valley; loophole, eyelet
うねまfurrow, room with ridged roof
みけんbrow, glabella, middle forehead, area between the eyebrows
しゅんかんmoment, second, instant
しゅんかんでんだんpower flicker
たんきかんshort term, short time
くうかんspace, room, airspace
の間ちゃのまliving room (Japanese-style)
たにま, たにあいvalley, ravine, chasm, dell; cleavage
しゃかんきょりdistance between two trains or vehicles
かんばつperiodic thinning (e.g. forest)
いないまちがいないI have no doubt, You can depend on it, certain
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