meaning'open, unfold, unseal'
 kunyomiひら.く, ひら.き, -びら.き, ひら.ける, あ.く, あ.ける
開くひらくto open, to unpack, to bloom, to start, to hold
するかいかいするto open a meeting
するかいてんするto open a store
かいかいしきopening ceremony
かいしa start, a beginning, the onset
かいはつdevelopment, exploitment (of resources)
さいかいreopening, resumption
を開けまどをあけるto open the meeting, to sit
開けるあけるto open
かいかいopening of a meeting
かいつうopening, open
かいほうopen, throw open, liberalization
こうかいopen to the public
うちゅうかいはつspace development
うちゅうかいはつじぎょうだんNational Space Development Agency, NASDA
てんかいdevelopment; expansion (opposite of compression)
ていおうせっかいCaesarean section (Cesarean), C-section
開けまくあけbeginning, opening (of play)
だかいbreak in the deadlock
みかいこんちvirgin soil, uncultivated land
みかいたくundeveloped, wild (areas)
おきなわかいはつちょうちょうかんDirector General of Okinawa Development Agency
かつろかいたくdeveloping a way or means
そかいdispersal, evacuation, deployment
開きひらきopening, gap; dried and opened fish
かいさいholding a meeting, open an exhibition
かいこんcultivating new land
かいこんちcultivated land
かいまくraising the curtain
かいていcourt session, trial
かいひopening a door
かいたくreclamation (of wasteland); pioneering, pathfinding, trail-blazing
かいたくしゃpioneer, settler, colonist
かいこうopen port, opening a port
かいじdisclosure (legal)
かいそ(sect) founder, apostle, originator, inventor
かいひょうcounting ballots
シャツかいきんシャツopen-collared shirt
かいせつestablishment, opening
かいへいopening and shutting
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