term | pronunciation | English |
鉄 | てつ | iron |
私鉄 | してつ | private train company |
鉄橋 | てっきょう | steel bridge |
地下鉄 | ちかてつ | the subway, the underground, the Tube (Metro) |
可鍛鉄 | かたんてつ | malleable iron |
国鉄 | こくてつ | national railway |
狭軌鉄道 | きょうきてつどう | narrow-gauge railway |
製鉄所 | せいてつじょ, せいてつしょ | ironworks, steelworks |
近鉄 | きんてつ | Kinki Nippon Tetsudou (railway co.) |
鉄則 | てっそく | ironclad regulation, inviolable rule |
鉄塔 | てっとう | pylon, steel tower |
鉄扉 | てっぴ | iron door |
鉄条網 | てつじょうもう | (barbed) wire entanglements |
鉄板 | てっぱん | iron plate; sure thing |
鉄棒 | てつぼう, かなぼう | iron rod, crowbar, horizontal bar (gymnastics) |
鉄砲 | てっぽう | gun; wooden pole that sumo wrestlers strike in practice (practise); fugu |
鉄筋 | てっきん | rebar, (concrete) iron reinforcing bar |
鉄腕 | てつわん | strong arm |
鉄道 | てつどう | railroad |
鉄鉱 | てっこう | iron ore |
鉄鋼 | てっこう | iron and steel |
鉄骨 | てっこつ | steel frame |
銑鉄 | せんてつ, ずくてつ | pig iron |
鋳鉄 | ちゅうてつ | cast iron |
鋼鉄 | こうてつ | steel |
電鉄 | でんてつ | electric railway |
非鉄金属 | ひてつきんぞく | nonferrous metals |