meaning'plains, field, rustic, civilian life'
 onyomiヤ, ショ
 kunyomiの, の-
やさいvegetables, greens, garden vegetables
野のののはなa wild flower
ぶんやa field, an area, a sphere
のはらa field, fields
やきゅう(play) baseball
へいやplain, open field
ながのけんNagano prefecture (of Chubu region)
うえのsection of Tokyo
よやとう(political) parties in and out of power, majority and minority parties
おおのlarge field
みやぎのはぎ, ミヤギノハギThunberg's lespedeza (species of bush clover, Lespedeza thunbergii)
りんやちょうForestry Agency
ぼくやpasture land, ranch
しやfield of vision, outlook
こうの, こうやsuburban fields
やとうopposition party, political opposition, opposition
のぐちげら, ノグチゲラOkinawa woodpecker (Sapheopipo noguchii)
やけんstray dog, ownerless dog
やじゅうbeast, monster, wild animal
やせいwild, growing wild; I
やぎ, ヤギgoat
のらいぬstray dog
のらねこstray cat, alley cat
えごのき, エゴノキJapanese snowbell, styrax japonica
のぎくwild chrysanthemum, aster
やばんsavage, uncivilized, uncivilised
のごまa Siberian rubythroat
やちょうwild bird
こうやまきumbrella pine, Sciadopitys verticillata
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