meaning'sake, alcohol'
 kunyomiさけ, さか-
さかやliquor shop
にほんしゅJapanese sake
ようしゅforeign liquors
い酒いわいざけcelebratory alcohol
いざかやan izakaya, a Japanese-style bar
お酒おさけalcohol, sake (rice wine)
さかばbar, bar-room
いんしゅdrinking alcohol
としゅkegs of sake, lot of sake
うめしゅsake with plums, unripe Japanese apricots soaked in spirits
せいしゅrefined sake
しょうこうしゅ, シャオシンチュウ, シャオシンチューshaoxingjiu (Chinese alcohol made from rice or glutinous millet)
しゅせんheavy drinker
しゅぜいliquor tax
しゅぞうsake brewing
しゅるいalcoholic drinks, liquor
じょうぞうしゅbrewage, liquor
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