term | pronunciation | English |
心配 | しんぱい・する | worry, concern |
配る | くばる | to distribute, to deliver |
気配 | けはい | indication, market trend, worry |
配達 | はいたつ | delivery, distribution |
宅配 | たくはい | home delivery |
支配 | しはい | rule, control, direction |
配偶者 | はいぐうしゃ | spouse, wife, husband |
配分 | はいぶん | distribution, allotment |
配列 | はいれつ | arrangement; array (programming, programing) |
配布 | はいふ | distribution |
配当 | はいとう | dividend, share |
配慮 | はいりょ | consideration, concern, forethought |
配給 | はいきゅう | distribution (e.g. films, rice) |
配置 | はいち | arrangement (of resources), deployment, stationing, posting, disposition |
采配 | さいはい | baton (of command) |
采配を振る | さいはいをふる | to lead, to direct, to take command |
食糧配給 | しょくりょうはいきゅう | food distribution |