meaning'bequeath, leave behind, reserve'
 onyomiイ, ユイ
いしつひんlost article
こういしょうprognostic symptoms, after-effect
いでんheredity, inherent
いでんしgene, genetic
いたいcorpse, remains
いえいportrait of deceased person
いしdying wish
いこんgrudge, ill will, enmity
いかんregrettable, unsatisfactory
えないいかんにたえないreally regrettable
いかんせんばんhighly regrettable, utterly deplorable
いかんなくunobjectionally, fully
いぞくbereaved family
いきabandonment, desertion, relinquishment
いさんinheritance, bequest, legacy, heritage
稿いこうposthumous manuscripts
いしんsurviving retainer
いほうmemory or autograph of deceased
いくんdying instructions
いえいposthumous song or poem
いせきhistoric ruins (remains, relics)
いこつremains, ashes of deceased
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