term | pronunciation | English |
適当 | てきとう | fitness, suitability |
快適 | かいてき | pleasant, agreeable, comfortable |
適確 | てきかく | precise, accurate |
適する | てきする | to fit, to suit (vs-s) |
適切 | てきせつ | pertinent, appropriate, adequate, relevance |
適度 | てきど | moderate |
適用 | てきよう | applying |
悠悠自適の生活 | ゆうゆうじてきのせいかつ | life free from worldly cares |
最適 | さいてき | optimum, the most suitable |
適宜 | てきぎ | suitable, appropriate; appropriately |
適応 | てきおう | adaptation, accommodation, conformity |
適時 | てきじ | timely, opportune |
適格 | てきかく, てっかく | eligible, qualified, competent |
適正 | てきせい | reasonable, suitable |
適法 | てきほう | legality |
適齢 | てきれい | suitable age |