term | pronunciation | English |
仮名遣い | かなづかい | kana orthography, syllabary spelling |
小遣い | こづかい | personal expenses, pocket money, spending money, |
言葉遣い | ことばづかい | speech, expression, wording |
人形遣い | にんぎょうづかい, にんぎょうつかい | puppet operator, puppet manipulator, puppeteer |
先遣 | せんけん | sending ahead |
呉れて遣る | くれてやる | to give, to do (something) for |
心遣い | こころづかい | solicitude, anxiety, regard for |
気遣い | きづかい | consideration, concern, fear, worry, solicitude |
気遣う | きづかう | to worry about, to feel anxious about, to have apprehensions of |
派遣 | はけん | dispatch, despatch, send |
無駄遣い | むだづかい | wasting ... on (e.g. money), squandering, waste, frittering away |
遣り遂げる | やりとげる | to accomplish |
遣唐使 | けんとうし | envoy (to T'ang China) |