meaning'take along, lead, join, connect, party, gang, clique'
 kunyomiつら.なる, つら.ねる, つ.れる, -づ.れ
連れてつれてくるbring (person)
連れるつれるto lead, to take (a person)
れんらくcommunication, contact, connection
連れつれcompanion, company
れんごうunion, alliance
れんそうassociation (of ideas), suggestion
れんぞくserial, consecutive, continuity, continuing
かんれんrelation, connection, relevance
いちれんseries; two reams (i.e. 1000 sheets of paper); verse, stanza
ばてれん, パテレン, バテレンPortuguese Jesuits (in Japan in the 16th century); Christianity
ろうれんlabour union, labor union
こくれんUN, United Nations
ぐれんたいgang of young toughs
けいだんれんFederation of Economic Organizations (Organisation)
連れつれさるto take away, to kidnap
連れつれそうto be man and wife, to be married to
れんこうextending in a row
れんきゅうconsecutive holidays
プレーれんけいプレーgood teamwork play (baseball)
れんしょうconsecutive victories, series of victories
れんぽうmountain range
れんたいsolidarity, collective; joint
れんざimplicated (involved) in (a crime)
れんけいcooperation, coordination, link
れんぱいconsecutive defeats, series of defeats
れんめいleague, union, alliance
連立れんりつalliance, coalition
れんぱsuccessive championships
れんさいserialization, serialisation, serial story
れんぽうcommonwealth, federation of states
れんさchain; (genetic) linkage
れんさはんのうchain reaction
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