meaning'near, early, akin, tantamount'
 onyomiキン, コン
近いちかいnear, near by, be close (similar, akin) to
近くちかくnear, close, nearby, be like, resemble
きんじょthe neighbourhood
近づくちかづくto approach, to draw near
さいきんrecently, lately, of late
きんだいpresent day
せっきんgetting closer, drawing nearer, approaching
近頃ちかごろlately, recently, nowadays
ちかぢかnearness, before long
けるちかづけるto bring near, to put close, to let come near, t
ちかよるto approach, to draw near
ふきんneighbourhood, vicinity, environs
そっきんclose associate, close aide, brains-truster
ぜんきんてきじゆうasymptotic freedom (physics)
ぜんきんせんasymptotic line
きんだいしmodern poetry, modern-style poetry
きんねんrecent years
近畿きんきKinki (region around Osaka, Kyoto, Nara)
きんちょrecent work
きんきょりshort distance
きんこうsuburbs, outskirts
きんこうのうぎょうagriculture in urban areas
きんてつKinki Nippon Tetsudou (railway co.)
きんりんneighbourhood, neighborhood, vicinity
きんりんしょこくneighboring countries, neighbouring countries, surrounding countries
ふきんneighbourhood; approaching
となりきんじょneighbors, neighbours, neighborhood, neighbourhood
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