term | pronunciation | English |
自転車 | じてんしゃ | bicycle |
回転 | かいてん | turning, (a) revolution, (a) rotation, (a) spin |
転ぶ | ころぶ | to fall (down, over), to tumble, to have a fall |
転がる | ころがる | to roll (over), to fall, to lie down |
転がす | ころがす | to roll |
運転手 | うんてんしゅ | driver, chauffeur |
運転する | うんてんする | to drive (a car), to run (a train) |
運転免許 | うんてんめんきょしょう | a driver's licence |
回転扉 | かいてんとびら | revolving door |
移転 | いてん | moving, transfer, demise |
転じる | てんじる | to turn, to shift, to alter, to distract |
転写捺染 | てんしゃなっせん | transfer print |
転勤 | てんきん | job transfer, job relocation, intra-company transfer |
転嫁 | てんか | second marriage, remarriage, imputation, blame |
転換 | てんかん | convert, divert |
転覆 | てんぷく | capsizing; overthrow (e.g. a government) |
転載 | てんさい | reprinting |
逆転 | ぎゃくてん | (sudden) change, reversal, turn-around, coming from behind (baseball) |
逆転勝ち | ぎゃくてんがち | winning after defeat seems certain, coming from behind to win |
運転 | うんてん | operation, motion, driving |