meaning'somebody, person, one's station in life'
なかみcontents, the substance
しんしんmind and body
しんたいthe body
ぜんしんthe whole body, full-length (portrait)
さしみsliced raw fish
じしんby oneself, personally
body, main part, oneself, sword
みぶんsocial position, social status
しんちょうheight (of body), stature
し身さしみsashimi (sliced raw fish)
たんしんalone, unaided, away from home
たんしんふにんしゃemployee posted away from their family
が身わがみmyself, oneself
て身すてみat the risk of one's life
しょうしんじさつburning oneself to death, suicide by fire
どくしんbachelorhood, single, unmarried, celibate
どくしんりょうhostel for bachelors
けんしんdedication, devotion
ささみhigh-quality chicken breast meat
みのしろきんようきゅうransom demand
しんたいしょうがいしゃdisabled person, physically handicapped person
みもとperson's identity, ID, past, background
しんろうnave (of a church)
みがらone's person
みぎれいneat personal appearance
みづくろいdressing oneself, personal grooming
みまかるto pass away, to die
しんぺんone's person
みぜにone's own money
しんしょうしゃdisabled person, physically handicapped person
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