term | pronunciation | English |
起きる | おきる | get up, wake up |
起こす | おこす | to raise, to set up, to wake someone, to awake |
起立する | きりつする | to stand up |
起こる | おこる | to happen, to occur, to take place |
起床する | きしょうする | to get up, to rise |
縁起 | えんぎ | an omen, luck |
起こった | おこったかお | an angry face, a severe face |
起す | おこす | to raise, to cause, to wake someone (io) |
不起訴 | ふきそ | nonprosecution or indictment |
喚起 | かんき | arousal, excitation, awakening, evocation |
奮起 | ふんき | stirring, rousing oneself |
掘り起こす | ほりおこす | to reclaim, to dig up |
提起 | ていき | bring suit, file a claim, raise a question |
決起 | けっき | jump to one's feet, stand up against, rising to action |
沸き起こる | わきおこる | to well up, to burst, to arise |
湧き起こる | わきおこる | to well up, to burst, to arise |
湧き起る | わきおこる | to well up, to burst, to arise |
発起人 | ほっきにん | originator, promoter |
起伏 | きふく | undulation; ups and downs, highs and lows |
起床 | きしょう | rising, getting out of bed |
起爆 | きばく | exploding |
起用 | きよう | appointment (to a position, job, etc.), being used for a role, promotion |
起草 | きそう | drafting, draughting, drawing up a bill |
起訴 | きそ | prosecution, indictment |
起訴猶予 | きそゆうよ | suspension of indictment, leaving charge on the file |
躍起 | やっき | desperation, eagerness |
隆起 | りゅうき | protuberance, projection, rising |