term | pronunciation | English |
財布 | さいふ | wallet |
財産 | ざいさん | property, fortune, assets |
文化財 | ぶんかざい | cultural assets, cultural property |
蓄財 | ちくざい | amassing of wealth |
財 | ざい | fortune, riches; goods |
財務 | ざいむ | financial affairs |
財団 | ざいだん | foundation |
財団法人 | ざいだんほうじん | incorporated foundation, juridical foundation |
財政 | ざいせい | financial affairs, public finance |
財政均衡計画 | ざいせいきんこうけいかく | balanced budget plan |
財政投融資 | ざいせいとうゆうし | Fiscal Investment and Loan Program, FILP |
財源 | ざいげん | source of funds, resources, finances |
財界 | ざいかい | financial world |
財閥 | ざいばつ | zaibatsu, plutocrats, financial clique, chaebol (Korean) |