meaning'defeat, negative, -, minus, bear, owe, assume a responsibility'
 kunyomiま.ける, ま.かす, お.う
負けるまけるto lose, to be defeated
負うせおうto be burdened with, to carry on back or shoulder
負けまけdefeat, loss, losing (a game)
いちろくしょうぶgambling, speculation
しょうぶvictory or defeat, match, contest, game, bout
ほうふaspiration, ambition, pretension
じふconceit, bragging about one's own ability
け負ううけおうto contract, to undertake
negative, minus
負いおいめindebtedness, unfulfilled promise, drawback
ふさいdebt, liabilities
ふしょうinjury, wound
ふたんburden, charge, responsibility
ふかburden, load (e.g. cpu time, electricity, etc.)
ふたくcharging (someone) with responsibility
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