term | pronunciation | English |
会議室 | かいぎしつ | meeting room |
建議 | けんぎ | proposal |
国会議員 | こっかいぎいん | a member of the Diet |
国会議事 | こっかいぎじどう | the (Japanese) National Diet |
会議 | かいぎ | meeting, conference |
議員 | ぎいん | member of the Diet, congress or parliament |
議会 | ぎかい | Diet, congress, parliament |
議論 | ぎろん | argument, discussion, dispute |
不思議 | ふしぎ | mystery, curiosity |
井戸端会議 | いどばたかいぎ | content-free chat, idle gossip |
代議 | だいぎ | representing others in a conference |
円卓会議 | えんたくかいぎ | round-table conference |
協議 | きょうぎ | conference, consultation, discussion, negotiation |
参議院 | さんぎいん | House of Councillors |
商工会議所 | しょうこうかいぎしょ | Chamber of Commerce and Industry |
審議 | しんぎ | deliberation |
市議 | しぎ | city councillor, city councilor, city assemblyman |
抗議 | こうぎ | protest, objection |
本会議 | ほんかいぎ | plenary session, regular session |
決議 | けつぎ | resolution, vote, decision |
異議 | いぎ | objection, dissent, protest |
県議 | けんぎ | prefectural assembly |
統合幕僚会議 | とうごうばくりょうかいぎ | Joint Staff Council |
衆議院 | しゅうぎいん | lower house, House of Representatives |
討議 | とうぎ | debate, discussion |
評議 | ひょうぎ | conference, discussion |
論議 | ろんぎ | discussion, argument, debate |
諮議 | しぎ | consultation, conference |
謀議 | ぼうぎ | plot, conspiracy, conference |
議事録 | ぎじろく | record of proceedings, minutes |
議席 | ぎせき | parliamentary seat |
議院運営委員会 | ぎいんうんえいいいんかい | Committee on Rules and Administration (Diet) |
議題 | ぎだい | topic of discussion, agenda |
都議 | とぎ | Metropolitan assemblyman |
閣議 | かくぎ | cabinet meeting |