meaning'deliberation, consultation, debate, consideration'
かいぎしつmeeting room
こっかいぎいんa member of the Diet
こっかいぎじどうthe (Japanese) National Diet
かいぎmeeting, conference
ぎいんmember of the Diet, congress or parliament
ぎかいDiet, congress, parliament
ぎろんargument, discussion, dispute
ふしぎmystery, curiosity
いどばたかいぎcontent-free chat, idle gossip
だいぎrepresenting others in a conference
えんたくかいぎround-table conference
きょうぎconference, consultation, discussion, negotiation
さんぎいんHouse of Councillors
しょうこうかいぎしょChamber of Commerce and Industry
しぎcity councillor, city councilor, city assemblyman
こうぎprotest, objection
ほんかいぎplenary session, regular session
けつぎresolution, vote, decision
いぎobjection, dissent, protest
けんぎprefectural assembly
とうごうばくりょうかいぎJoint Staff Council
しゅうぎいんlower house, House of Representatives
とうぎdebate, discussion
ひょうぎconference, discussion
ろんぎdiscussion, argument, debate
しぎconsultation, conference
ぼうぎplot, conspiracy, conference
ぎじろくrecord of proceedings, minutes
ぎせきparliamentary seat
ぎいんうんえいいいんかいCommittee on Rules and Administration (Diet)
ぎだいtopic of discussion, agenda
とぎMetropolitan assemblyman
かくぎcabinet meeting
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