さんびゃくしょこうall the daimyos
おうしゅうしょこくEuropean countries
おうべいしょこくthe various countries of Europe and America
おうべいしょげんごthe languages of Europe and America
りゅうきゅうしょとうRyuukyuu (Ryukyu) Islands
しょvarious, many, several
もろもろall kinds of, various
諸にもろにcompletely, all the way, altogether, bodily
しょこうprinces, lords
しょくんGentlemen!, Ladies!
しょげんmany accomplished persons
しょあくevery (kind of) evil or crime
しょはんvarious, several
きんりんしょこくneighboring countries, neighbouring countries, surrounding countries
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