term | pronunciation | English |
小説 | しょうせつ | a novel |
説明 | せつめい | an explanation |
説明する | せつめいする | to explain |
自説 | じせつ | one's one view, opinion |
説 | せつ | an opinion, a view, a theory, a doctrine, a rumor |
説得する | せっとくする | to persuade (a person into doing) |
説く | とく | to explain, to state, to set forth, to preach |
小説家 | しょうせつか | a novelist, a story writer |
口説く | くどく | to talk someone into agreeing |
解説 | かいせつ | explanation, commentary |
事実は小説より奇也 | じじつはしょうせつよりきなり | Truth is stranger than fiction |
伝説 | でんせつ | tradition, legend, folklore |
冒険小説 | ぼうけんしょうせつ | adventure story, novel of adventure |
力説 | りきせつ | insistence, (major) emphasis, stress |
憶説 | おくせつ | hypothesis, speculation, surmise |
探偵小説 | たんていしょうせつ | detective story |
推理小説 | すいりしょうせつ | mystery or detective novel |
演説 | えんぜつ | speech, address |
社説 | しゃせつ | editorial, leading article |
説得 | せっとく | persuasion |
説明的妥当性 | せつめいてきだとうせい | explanatory adequacy |
説諭 | せつゆ | persuasion, convincing |
論説 | ろんせつ | editorial, dissertation |
遊説 | ゆうぜい | election tour, election campaign, stumping |