term | pronunciation | English |
承認 | しょうにん | recognition, acknowledgement, approval, consent |
認める | みとめる | to recognize, to appreciate, to approve, to admire |
容認 | ようにん | approval |
是認 | ぜにん | approval |
確認 | かくにん | affirmation, confirmation, validation |
認め | みとめ | approval, final seal (of approval) |
認可 | にんか | approval, license, licence, permission |
認知 | にんち | acknowledgement, acknowledgment, recognition |
認証 | にんしょう | certification; Imperial attestation |
認識 | にんしき | recognition, cognizance, cognisance |
誤認 | ごにん | misrecognition, mistaking (x for y) |
黙認 | もくにん | connivance, tacit consent, toleration |