託 | meaning | 'consign, requesting, entrusting with, pretend, h' |
onyomi | タク | |
kunyomi |
term | pronunciation | English |
信託 | しんたく | trust, entrusting |
信託契約 | しんたくけいやく | trust agreement |
受託 | じゅたく | being entrusted with, taking charge of |
受託収賄罪 | じゅたくしゅうわいざい | (the crime of) bribery |
嘱託 | しょくたく | commission; part-time (employee) |
嘱託殺人 | しょくたくさつじん | contract murder |
委託 | いたく | consign (goods (for sale) to a firm), entrust (person with something), commit |
屈託 | くったく | worry, care |
投資信託 | とうししんたく | investment trust |
託す | たくす | to entrust; to make an excuse of |
託宣 | たくせん | oracle |
請託 | せいたく | solicitation |
負託 | ふたく | charging (someone) with responsibility |
預託 | よたく | deposition |
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