meaning'unravel, notes, key, explanation, understanding, untie, undo, solve, answer, cancel, absolve, explain, minute'
 onyomiカイ, ゲ
 kunyomiと.く, と.かす, と.ける, ほど.く, ほど.ける, わか.る, さと.る
せいかいcorrect answer
かいけつsettlement, solution, resolution
かいさんbreakup, dissolution
かいとうanswer, solution
かいほうrelease, liberation, emancipation
けんかいopinion, point of view
ぶんかいanalysis, disassembly
りかいunderstanding, comprehension
かいせつexplanation, commentary
かいしゃくexplanation, interpretation
を解もんだいをとくto solve a problem
データ解データかいせきdata analysis
りょうかいcomprehension, consent, understanding, roger (on the radio)
じんたいかいぼうがくhuman anatomy
しほうかいぼうlegally-ordered autopsy
どれいかいほうemancipation of slaves
みかいけつunsettled, pending, unresolved
ようかいdissolution; to melt, to dissolve, to liquefy
かいとうthaw; decompression (e.g. of a file), unpacking, extracting
かいぼうdissection, autopsy; analysis
かいめいclarification, elucidation, explication
かいせきanalysis, analytical study; parsing, parse
かいせきせいanalyticity (physics)
かいしょうcancellation, liquidation, resolution, reduction (e.g. of stress)
かいきんlifting a ban
かいやくcancellation of contract
かいじょcancellation, rescinding, release, calling off, lifting (sanctions), delisting
かいこdischarge, dismissal
かいこしゃperson who has been laid off
しょうかいdetailed explanation
りょうかいcomprehension, consent, understanding, roger (on the radio)
解けゆきどけsnow thaw, thawing
でんかいそうelectrolytic cell, electrolytic bath
解けしもどけthaw, thawing
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