meaning'standard, measure'
きりつorder, rules, law
じょうぎ(measuring) ruler
きそくrule, regulations
ふきそくirregularity, unsteadiness, disorderly
ちゅうきぼmid-range, mid-scale, mid-size
しょうきぼsmall scale
しんきnew, fresh; new customer; new rules or regulations
せいきregular, legal, formal, established, legitimate
きせいregulation, (traffic) policing, control, restriction
きていregulation, provisions
きかくstandard, norm
きぼscale, scope, plan, structure
きくrule, standard, compass and ruler
きくじゅんじょうrules and standards, norms, criteria
きていofficial regulations, inner rules
きはんmodel, standard, pattern, norm, criterion, example
きやくagreement, rules, code, protocol, convention
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