meaning'surface, table, chart, diagram'
 kunyomiおもて, -おもて, あらわ.す, あらわ.れる, あら.わす
ずひょうa chart, a graph, a diagram
おもてthe front, surface, exterior
こうひょうofficial announcement, proclamation
だいひょうrepresentative, representation, delegation
はっぴょうannouncement, publication
ひょうげんexpression, presentation, representation (math)
ひょうしfront cover, binding
ひょうじょうfacial expression
ひょうめんsurface, outside, face, appearance
いちらんひょうlist, table, schedule, catalogue, catalog
べっぴょうannexed (statistical) table
いしひょうじdeclaration of intention
みはっぴょうunpublished, not yet announced
ちょうせきひょうa tide table
ひょうしょうだいvictory stand, winners' podium
ひょうしょうしきcommendation or awards ceremony
ひょうしょうじょうtestimonial, certificate of commendation
ひょうちゅうひwar-memorial monument
ひょうさつnameplate, doorplate
おもてかんばんsign out in front, front (for someone)
ひょうじindication, expression, display, presentation
じひょうletter of resignation
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