meaning'leaf, plane, lobe, needle, blade, spear, counter for flat things, fragment, piece'
ちばChiba Prefecture
こうようleaves changing colors
ことばword, language
ことばづかいspeech, expression, wording
まるばはぎ, マルバハギleafy lespedeza (species of bush clover, Lespedeza cyrtobotrya)
ふたばbud, sprout
あいことばpassword, watchword
こうようじゅbroadleaf tree
ち葉くちばdecayed leaves
くちばdecayed leaves
まつばpine needle
えだは, しようleaves and branches, side issues, foliage
れ葉かれはdead leaf, dry leaves
り葉ねほりはほりthoroughly, persistently, through-and-through
きりひとはfalling paulownia leaf signaling the beginning of autumn (fall)
ふうようmaple leaf
からふとししゃも, からふとシシャモcapelin, caplin (Mallotus villosus)
ふようどhumus, leaf mold, leaf mould
わかば, どんようnew leaves, fresh verdure
ち葉おちば, らくようfallen leaves, leaf litter, defoliation, shedding leaves
らくようきょうぼくdeciduous tall tree
はざくらcherry tree in leaf
つたもみじmaple, scarlet-tinged ivy
ほめことばwords of praise, eulogy, compliment
しんようじゅconifer, needle-leaved tree
あおばfresh leaves
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