term | pronunciation | English |
落ちる | おちる | to fall, to drop |
落す | おとす | to drop, to lose |
落着く | おちつく | to calm down, to settle down |
落し物 | おとしもの | lost property |
落第 | らくだい | failure, dropping out of a class |
下落 | げらく | depreciation, decline, fall, slump |
人間の堕落 | にんげんのだらく | the fall of man |
堕落 | だらく | depravity, corruption, degradation |
墜落 | ついらく | falling, crashing |
墜落事故 | ついらくじこ | a plane crash |
奈落 | ならく | hell, hades, eternity, theatre basement, theater basement |
崩落 | ほうらく | collapse, break, cave-in, crash, (market) decline |
急落 | きゅうらく | sudden fall, sharp fall, sudden drop, sharp drop |
暴落 | ぼうらく | slump, crash, heavy fall, decline |
群落 | ぐんらく | many communities (villages), cluster of plants |
自堕落 | じだらく | depravity, self-indulgence |
落し胤 | おとしだね | nobleman's illegitimate child |
落ち | おち | slip; outcome; punch line (of a joke) |
落ち着いた | おちついた | quiet, calm, composed |
落ち穂拾い | おちぼひろい | act of picking up crop left after harvesting, name of painting by Millet |
落ち葉 | おちば, らくよう | fallen leaves, leaf litter, defoliation, shedding leaves |
落ち鮎 | おちあゆ | sweetfish going downstream to spawn |
落とし穴 | おとしあな | pitfall, trap, pit |
落下傘 | らっかさん | parachute |
落伍 | らくご | dropping out of, straggling, falling out of the ranks |
落伍者 | らくごしゃ | dropout, straggler, outcast, failure |
落差 | らくさ | a head (of water), a difference |
落札 | らくさつ | having one's bid accepted (e.g. for contract), bid award, winning a tender |
落款 | らっかん | sign and seal, signature |
落胆 | らくたん | discouragement, despondency, dejection |
落胤 | らくいん | nobleman's illegitimate child |
落葉喬木 | らくようきょうぼく | deciduous tall tree |
落語 | らくご | rakugo story, (telling) a comic story |
落雷 | らくらい | thunderbolt, bolt of lightning |
邑落 | ゆうらく | hamlet |
陥落 | かんらく | fall, sinking, surrender, capitulation |
集落 | しゅうらく, じゅらく | village, community, settlement, town, colony (animals, etc.) |
駒落ち | こまおち | handicap (in shogi) |