meaning'fall, drop, come down'
 kunyomiお.ちる, お.ち, お.とす
落ちるおちるto fall, to drop
落すおとすto drop, to lose
おちつくto calm down, to settle down
落しおとしものlost property
落第らくだいfailure, dropping out of a class
げらくdepreciation, decline, fall, slump
にんげんのだらくthe fall of man
だらくdepravity, corruption, degradation
ついらくfalling, crashing
ついらくじこa plane crash
ならくhell, hades, eternity, theatre basement, theater basement
ほうらくcollapse, break, cave-in, crash, (market) decline
きゅうらくsudden fall, sharp fall, sudden drop, sharp drop
ぼうらくslump, crash, heavy fall, decline
ぐんらくmany communities (villages), cluster of plants
じだらくdepravity, self-indulgence
落しおとしだねnobleman's illegitimate child
落ちおちslip; outcome; punch line (of a joke)
落ちいたおちついたquiet, calm, composed
落ちおちぼひろいact of picking up crop left after harvesting, name of painting by Millet
落ちおちば, らくようfallen leaves, leaf litter, defoliation, shedding leaves
落ちおちあゆsweetfish going downstream to spawn
落としおとしあなpitfall, trap, pit
らくごdropping out of, straggling, falling out of the ranks
らくごしゃdropout, straggler, outcast, failure
らくさa head (of water), a difference
らくさつhaving one's bid accepted (e.g. for contract), bid award, winning a tender
らっかんsign and seal, signature
らくたんdiscouragement, despondency, dejection
らくいんnobleman's illegitimate child
らくようきょうぼくdeciduous tall tree
らくごrakugo story, (telling) a comic story
らくらいthunderbolt, bolt of lightning
かんらくfall, sinking, surrender, capitulation
しゅうらく, じゅらくvillage, community, settlement, town, colony (animals, etc.)
落ちこまおちhandicap (in shogi)
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