term | pronunciation | English |
学芸大学 | がくげいだいがく | Tokyo neighbourhood named for now-defunct arts University |
工芸品 | こうげいひん | a handicraft |
芸能 | げいのう | public entertainment, accomplishments, attainment |
工芸 | こうげい | industrial arts |
文芸 | ぶんげい | literature, art and literature, belles-lettres |
芸術 | げいじゅつ | (fine) art, the arts |
伎芸 | ぎげい | art of kabuki |
園芸 | えんげい | horticulture, gardening |
学芸 | がくげい | arts and sciences, liberal arts |
安芸 | あき | former name of Hiroshima prefecture |
民俗芸能 | みんぞくげいのう | folk entertainment |
芸 | げい | art, craft, accomplishment, artistic skill, technique, performance |
芸苑 | げいえん | artistic and literary circles |
芸術家 | げいじゅつか | artist |
芸術祭 | げいじゅつさい | art festival |
陶芸 | とうげい | ceramic art, ceramics |
陶芸家 | とうげいか | potter |