meaning'technique, art, craft, performance, acting, trick, stunt'
 onyomiゲイ, ウン
 kunyomiう.える, のり, わざ
がくげいだいがくTokyo neighbourhood named for now-defunct arts University
こうげいひんa handicraft
げいのうpublic entertainment, accomplishments, attainment
こうげいindustrial arts
ぶんげいliterature, art and literature, belles-lettres
げいじゅつ(fine) art, the arts
ぎげいart of kabuki
えんげいhorticulture, gardening
がくげいarts and sciences, liberal arts
あきformer name of Hiroshima prefecture
みんぞくげいのうfolk entertainment
げいart, craft, accomplishment, artistic skill, technique, performance
げいえんartistic and literary circles
げいじゅつさいart festival
とうげいceramic art, ceramics
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