meaning'dance, flit, circle, wheel'
 kunyomiま.う, -ま.う, まい
ぶたいstage (theatre)
舞うふるまうto behave, to conduct oneself, to entertain (vt)
舞いおみまいcalling on someone who is ill, enquiry
舞いみまいenquiry, expression of sympathy, expression of concern
舞うみまうto ask after (health), to visit
はつぶたいdebut, initial stage appearance
おんなかぶきgirls' kabuki
かぶきkabuki, Japanese classical drama
まいdancing, dance
舞うまうto dance (orig. a whirling dance); to flutter about, to revolve
ぶたいかんとくstage director
ぶたいうらoffstage, backstage, behind the scenes
まいひめ(temple) dance
ぶようdancing, dance
こぶinspiration, encouragement
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