term | pronunciation | English |
臨時 | りんじ | temporary, special, extraordinary |
君臨 | くんりん | reigning; to reign, to dictate, to control |
臨む | のぞむ | to look out on; to face; to deal with; to attend (e.g. function) |
臨場感 | りんじょうかん | presence |
臨床 | りんしょう | clinical (e.g. pathology, physiology) |
臨戦 | りんせん | preparing for action or battle |
臨検 | りんけん | on-the-spot investigation or inspection, raid |
臨機応変 | りんきおうへん | adapting oneself to the requirements of the moment, playing it by ear, ad hoc |
臨海 | りんかい | coastal, seaside, oceanfront, maritime |
臨界 | りんかい | critical (pressure, temperature, state, point) |