meaning'bosom, breast, chest, heart, feelings'
 kunyomiむね, むな-
むねbreast, chest
どきょうcourage, bravery, pluck, nerve, grit, guts
胸びれむなびれpectoral fin
胸をときめかすむねをときめかすto make one's heart flutter
きょうちゅうone's mind, one's intentions
きょうぞうbust (statue)
むなもとbreast, pit of stomach
きょうついthoracic vertebra(e)
むなつきはっちょうthe most trying spot or period, the most difficult period
きょうきんone's heart
きょうぶchest, breast
きょうかくchest, thorax
はとむねpigeon chest
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