term | pronunciation | English |
義理の妹 | ぎりのいもうと | one's younger sister-in-law |
義理の姉 | ぎりのあね | one's older sister-in-law |
意義 | いぎ | meaning, significance |
講義 | こうぎ | lecture |
主義 | しゅぎ | doctrine, rule, principle |
享楽主義 | きょうらくしゅぎ | epicureanism, hedonism |
仁義 | じんぎ | humanity and justice, duty, (gang's) moral code |
仁義礼智信 | じんぎれいちしん | the 5 Confucian virtues (benevolence, justice, courtesy, wisdom, and sincerity) |
儒教主義 | じゅきょうしゅぎ | Confucianism |
共産主義 | きょうさんしゅぎ | communism, collectivism |
名義 | めいぎ | name; in the name of |
国粋主義 | こくすいしゅぎ | nationalism, extreme patriotism |
帝国主義 | ていこくしゅぎ | imperialism |
律義 | りちぎ | honesty, faithfulness, conscientiousness, integrity |
徳義 | とくぎ | morals, morality, sincerity |
忠義 | ちゅうぎ | loyalty, devotion |
恩義 | おんぎ | obligation, favour, favor, debt of gratitude |
扶養義務 | ふようぎむ | duty to support (a person) |
折衷主義 | せっちゅうしゅぎ | eclecticism |
朝鮮民主主義人民共和国 | ちょうせんみんしゅしゅぎじんみんきょうわこく | Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea), DPRK |
正義 | せいぎ | justice, right, righteousness, correct meaning |
正義の名に於て | せいぎのなにおいて | in the name of justice |
民主主義 | みんしゅしゅぎ | democracy |
民族主義 | みんぞくしゅぎ | nationalism |
狭義 | きょうぎ | narrow sense (e.g. of a word), strict |
社会主義 | しゃかいしゅぎ | socialism |
義兄 | ぎけい, あに | brother-in-law |
義勇 | ぎゆう | heroism, loyalty and courage |
義務 | ぎむ | duty, obligation, responsibility |
義塾 | ぎじゅく | private school |
義太夫 | ぎだゆう | gidayuu (form of ballad drama) |
義妹 | ぎまい, いもうと | sister in law (younger) |
義姉 | ぎし, あね | sister-in-law (elder) |
義弟 | ぎてい, おとうと | younger brother-in-law |
義憤 | ぎふん | righteous indignation |
義援金 | ぎえんきん | donation money, contribution |
義父 | ぎふ | father-in-law, foster father, stepfather |
義肢 | ぎし | artificial limb |
自由主義 | じゆうしゅぎ | liberalism |
道義的責任 | どうぎてきせきにん | moral obligation |