term | pronunciation | English |
伽羅 | きゃら | aloes wood; aloes-wood perfume |
修羅 | しゅら | fighting, scene of carnage |
倶梨伽羅紋々 | くりからもんもん | tattoo |
倶梨伽羅紋紋 | くりからもんもん | tattoo |
新羅 | しらぎ | ancient Korean kingdom |
曼陀羅 | まんだら | mandala, Buddhist visual schema of the enlightened mind |
森羅万象 | しんらばんしょう | all things in nature, the whole creation |
甲羅 | こうら | shell, carapace |
網羅 | もうら | comprising, including, covering, encompassing, comprehending |
綺羅 | きら | fine clothes |
綺羅びやか | きらびやか | gorgeous, gaudy, dazzling, gay |
羅 | うすもの, ら | lightweight fabric or clothing; Latin (language) |
羅列 | られつ | enumeration |
羅漢 | らかん | arhat, Lohan, achiever of Nirvana |
羅漢槙 | らかんまき, ラカンマキ | Podocarpus macrophyllus var. maki (variety of yew plum pine) |
羅紗 | らしゃ | felt, woollen cloth |
羅紗紙 | らしゃがみ | flock paper |
羅針盤 | らしんばん | compass |
迦楼羅 | かるら | Garuda or Garua (man-bird deity and 'vahana' of Hindu-Buddhist myth) |
陀羅尼 | だらに | dharani, spell, litany, Sanskrit multi-syllabic chant |