meaning'placement, put, set, deposit, leave behind, keep, employ, pawn'
 kunyomiお.く, -お.き
置きおきばplace where something is put
置くおくto put, to place; to leave (behind);
いちplace, situation, position, location
ものおきstorage room
そうちequipment, installation, apparatus
よさんそちbudgetary provision
いちづけ, いちつけplacement, fixed position, mapping out, location
しょちtreatment, measure, step
ほうふくそちreprisals, retaliatory measures
ていちあみfixed net
はいはんちけんabolition of feudal domains and establishment of prefectures (1871)
こうちdetention, confinement, arrest
こうちしょprison, detention house
え置きすえおきdeferment (e.g. of savings), leaving (a thing) as it stands
え置くすえおくto leave as it is, to defer
そちmeasure, step
置きおきがさspare umbrella kept (at work) in the event of a sudden shower
置きおきざりdesertion, leaving behind or in the lurch
置きれるおきわすれるto leave behind, to misplace, to forget
せっちestablishment, institution
はいちarrangement (of resources), deployment, stationing, posting, disposition
に置けないすみにおけないwitty and knowing, not to be underestimated, smooth operator
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