meaning'sutra, longitude, pass thru, expire, warp'
 onyomiケイ, キョウ
 kunyomiへ.る, た.つ, たていと, はか.る, のり
けいえいmanagement, administration
けいざいeconomics, business, finance, economy
けいゆgo by the way, via
しんけいnerve, sensitivity
経つたつto pass, to lapse (v5t)
けいけん(an) experience
するけいけんするto experience, to go through (hardship)
ちゅうすうしんけいcentral nerves
なむみょうほうれんげきょうGlory to the Sutra, Hail Lotus Sutra
こうきょうthe Book of Filial Piety
まっしょうしんけいperipheral nerves
かられきしてきけいいからfor historical reasons
きょうsutra, Buddhist scriptures
けいきちょうEconomic Planning Agency
けいえいしゃmanager, proprietor
けいだんれんFederation of Economic Organizations (Organisation)
けいじょうりえきcurrent profits, ordinary profit, income before income taxes
けいれきpersonal history, career
けいざいきかくちょうEconomic Planning Agency
けいざいふうさeconomic blockade, embargo
けいざいかいeconomic world, financial circles
けいざいてきeconomic, economical
けいざいけんきゅうしょeconomics research centre, economics research center
けいひexpenses, cost, outlay
けいろcourse, route, path, channel; process, means
けいかpassage, expiration, progress
けいけんがあさいhaving little experience
けいけんしゃexperienced person, person who has had a particular experience
のうしんけいcranial nerves
じりつしんけいautonomic nerves
じゆうけいざいfree economy
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