meaning'settlement, obtain, reap, pay, supply, store'
 onyomiノウ, ナッ, ナ, ナン, トウ
 kunyomiおさ.める, -おさ.める, おさ.まる
納めるおさめるto obtain, to reap, to pay, to supply, to accept
すいとうreceipts and expenditure (disbursements)
しゅうのうcrop, harvest, receipts, putting or stowing away
かのうaccepting with pleasure
ほうのうdedication, offering, presentation, oblation
かくのうstorage; putting into computer memory
に納めるかんにおさめるto lay in a coffin
たいのうnon-payment, default
のうふpayment, supply
のうにゅうpayment, supply
なっとくconsent, assent, understanding, agreement, comprehension, grasp
のうかんplacing of body in coffin
のうりょう(enjoying the) cool of the evening
のうぜいpayment of taxes
なっとうnatto (fermented soybeans)
のうさいbetrothal gift
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