term | pronunciation | English |
約束 | やくそく | arrangement; promise; appointment |
予約 | よやく | reservation, booking |
契約 | けいやく | contract, compact, agreement |
婚約 | こんやく | engagement, betrothal |
節約 | せつやく | economising, saving |
約 | やく | approximately, about, some |
一粒子既約 | いちりゅうしきやく | one particle irreducible (physics) |
信託契約 | しんたくけいやく | trust agreement |
倹約 | けんやく | thrift, economy, frugality |
倹約家 | けんやくか | thrifty person, economist |
公約 | こうやく | public commitment or promise |
制約 | せいやく | limitation, restriction, condition, constraints |
制約伝搬 | せいやくでんぱん | constraint propagation |
双務契約 | そうむけいやく | bilateral agreement |
同盟条約 | どうめいじょうやく | treaty of alliance |
契約書 | けいやくしょ | (written) contract |
契約期間 | けいやくきかん | contract period |
婚約者 | こんやくしゃ | fiance, fiancee |
条約 | じょうやく | treaty, pact |
盟約 | めいやく | oath, pledge, pact, covenant |
約束手形 | やくそくてがた | promissory note |
約款 | やっかん | agreement, stipulation, article, clause |
締約 | ていやく | conclusion of a treaty |
規約 | きやく | agreement, rules, code, protocol, convention |
解約 | かいやく | cancellation of contract |
誓約 | せいやく | written vow, pledge, covenant |
誓約書 | せいやくしょ | written oath, covenant |