term | pronunciation | English |
糸 | いと | thread |
毛糸 | けいと | woollen yarn |
糸巻き | いとまき | thread-reel |
製糸 | せいし | silk making |
撚糸 | ねんし | twisted thread or yarn, twining of thread or yarn |
生糸 | きいと | raw silk thread |
糸口 | いとぐち | thread end, beginning, clue |
紡糸 | ぼうし | spinning, spun cotton (wool) |
絹糸 | けんし, きぬいと | silk thread |
綾糸 | あやいと | colored thread, coloured thread, thread of cat's cradle, heddle thread |
綿糸 | めんし | cotton yarn (thread) |
緯糸 | よこいと, ぬきいと | weft, woof (crosswise threads on a loom) |
縦糸 | たていと | (weaving) warp |
繭糸 | けんし, きぬいと | silk thread |
蚕糸 | さんし | silk thread, silk yarn |
蚕糸業 | さんしぎょう | sericulture industry |
蚕糸試験所 | さんししけんじょ | silk experiment station |
釣り糸 | つりいと | fishing line |