term | pronunciation | English |
節 | せつ | clause |
季節 | きせつ | season |
節約 | せつやく | economising, saving |
調節 | ちょうせつ | regulation, adjustment, control |
五旬節 | ごじゅんせつ | pentecost |
使節 | しせつ | envoy, embassy, mission, delegate |
削り節 | けずりぶし | flaked bonito |
嘉節 | かせつ | auspicious occasion |
国慶節 | こっけいせつ | anniversary of founding (of PRC), national celebration time |
桃の節句 | もものせっく | puppet festival (March 3rd) |
浪花節 | なにわぶし | naniwabushi, a kind of sung narrative popular during the Edo period |
節倹 | せっけん | economy, thrift |
節度 | せつど | moderation, standard |
節操 | せっそう | constancy; chastity, fidelity |
節減 | せつげん | retrenchment, curtailment, economy |
節目 | ふしめ | turning point, critical juncture; knot |
貞節 | ていせつ | chastity, virtue, fidelity |
関節 | かんせつ | joints (knee joint, elbow joint, etc.) |