meaning'blessing, fortune, luck, wealth'
こうふくhappiness, blessedness
じどうふくしchild welfare
しゃかいふくしsocial welfare
しふくprosperity, happiness, blessedness and joy
かふくweal and woe
ふくgood fortune
ふくりこうせいwelfare program, welfare programme
ふくすけlarge-headed dwarf statue, bringer of good luck
寿ふくじゅlong life and happiness
ふくとくfortune, happiness and prosperity
ふくしwelfare, well-being, social welfare, social security, social service
ふくしじむしょwelfare office, social security office
ふくしじぎょうwelfare work
ふくしこっかwelfare state
ふくしききassistive products (e.g. wheel chairs, hearing aids, etc.)
ふくししゃりょうvehicle for disabled persons, assistive vehicle
ふくいんgood news; gospel (teachings or revelations of Jesus Christ)
しふくbeatitude, supreme bliss
ゆうふくaffluence, prosperity
おたふくmoon-faced woman, homely woman
ふくおかFukuoka (city, prefecture)​
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