meaning'company, office'
やしろ、しゃshrine, Shinto, society
かいしゃa company
しゃいんcompany employee
しゃしゅthe proprietor (owner) of a company
しゃいんofficial company seal
かいしゃいんa company employee
しょうしゃtrading company, firm
にゅうしゃentry to a company
しんぶんしゃnewspaper company
かいしゃにんげんemployee (corporate)
ひとつぼほんしゃsmall company headquarters located in Tokyo simply for name value
たしゃanother company, other company
かいしゃこうせいほうCorporate Rehabilitation Law
しんぱんがいしゃcredit company
こうしゃさいpublic bonds
ふくしゃちょうexecutive vice-president
どうしゃthe same firm
ちいきしゃかいregional community
じしゃtemples and shrines
へいしゃour firm (company)
そうじゃshrine enshrining several gods
ほんしゃ, ほんじゃhead office; main shrine; this company, this shrine
かぶしきがいしゃpublic company, corporation, KK, formula for an incorporated public company
みんしゃとうDemocratic Socialist Party
しゃかいじんわくspecial consideration for non-traditional (older) students
しゃかいほけんsocial insurance
しゃかいほしょうsocial security
しゃかいとうSocialist Party
しゃかいもんだいsocial problem
しゃかいふくしsocial welfare
しゃかいちつじょ(maintain, observe) social (public) order
しゃかいめんsociety or local news page
しゃさいcorporate bond, corporate debenture
しゃいんりょうcompany dormitory
しゃじshrines and temples
しゃそうcompany funeral
しゃせつeditorial, leading article
じしゃone's company; in-house, belonging to the company
やすくにじんじゃYasukuni Shrine
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