term | pronunciation | English |
知る | しる | know |
承知 | しょうち・する | consent, acceptance |
知らせる | しらせる | to notify, to advise |
知らせ | しらせ | notice |
知合い | しりあい | acquaintance |
知恵 | ちえ | wisdom, wit, sagacity, sense, intelligence |
知事 | ちじ | prefectural governor |
知人 | ちじん | friend, acquaintance |
知能 | ちのう | intelligence, brains |
知識 | ちしき | knowledge |
通知 | つうち | notice, notification |
三人寄れば文殊の知恵 | さんにんよればもんじゅのちえ | two heads are better than one |
偵知 | ていち | spying, investigating |
副知事 | ふくちじ | lieutenant governor |
叡知 | えいち | intelligence |
周知 | しゅうち | common knowledge, (something) well-known |
基礎知識 | きそちしき | fundamental knowledge |
承知之助 | しょうちのすけ | OK, Sure, Yessir!, Okeydokey!, Understood |
探知 | たんち | detection |
探知機 | たんちき | detector |
旧知 | きゅうち | old friend, old friendship |
未知 | みち | not yet known |
熟知 | じゅくち | being familiar with, having a thorough knowledge of, being well-informed about |
県知事 | けんちじ | prefectural governor |
知らぬは亭主許り也 | しらぬはていしゅばかりなり | Only the husband does not know |
知己 | ちき | acquaintance, appreciative friend |
知己朋友 | ちきほうゆう | intimate friends and acquaintances |
知恵袋 | ちえぶくろ | the brain, one's brains |
知恵遅れ | ちえおくれ | mental retardation |
知的 | ちてき | intellectual |
知識人 | ちしきじん | an intellectual |
英知 | えいち | intelligence |
詠み人知らず | よみびとしらず | author unknown, anonymous; unknown waka composer |
該博な知識 | がいはくなちしき | profound knowledge |
認知 | にんち | acknowledgement, acknowledgment, recognition |
顔見知り | かおみしり | acquaintance |