meaning'discharge, departure, publish, emit, start from, disclose, counter for gunshots'
 onyomiハツ, ホツ
 kunyomiた.つ, あば.く, おこ.る, つか.わす, はな.つ
発つたつto depart (on a plane, train, etc.) (v5t)
ばくはつexplosion, detonation, eruption
はっきexhibition, demonstration, utilization
はっしゃfiring, shooting, discharge, catapult
はっそうexpression (music), conceptualization
はったつdevelopment, growth
はってんdevelopment, growth
じょうはつevaporation, unexplained disappearance
はっこうissue (publications)
はっぴょうannouncement, publication
はっしゃdeparture of a vehicle
かいはつdevelopment, exploitment (of resources)
はつでんgeneration (e.g. power)
しはつえきthe starting (train) station
アセトンブタノール発アセトンブタノールはっこうacetone-butanol fermentation
ロケット発ロケットはっしゃとうrocket launcher
いっしょくそくはつcritical (touch and go) situation, explosive situation
へいはつconcurrence, coincidence, complication (in illness)
ぐうはつsudden outbreak, accidental, incidental
さいはつreturn, relapse, reoccurrence
げんぱつnuclear power plant, nuclear power supply
渙発たいしょうかんぱつpromulgation of an Imperial rescript
しはつfirst train
うちゅうかいはつspace development
うちゅうかいはつじぎょうだんNational Space Development Agency, NASDA
ちょうはつprovocation, stirring up, arousal
ちょうはつてきprovocative, suggestive, lascivious
はいらんゆうはつざいovulation-inducing drug
きはつvolatilization, volatilisation
きはつゆgasoline, petrol, petroleum, benzine, volatile oil
てきはつexposing, unmasking, laying bare
さんぱつsporadic, scattering
みはっぴょうunpublished, not yet announced
おきなわかいはつちょうちょうかんDirector General of Okinawa Development Agency
かっぱつvigor, vigour, active, lively
らんぱつrandom firing, reckless firing, excessive issue
はつれいofficial announcement, proclamation
はっこうcoming into effect
はっけいrelease internal power
はっぷんinspired, stimulated, roused
はっくつexcavation; discovery (e.g. new talent)
はっかんsweating, perspiration
スチロールはっぽうスチロールstyrofoam, styrene foam, expanded polystyrene
はっちゅうordering (materials), placing an order, order
はつえんとうsmoke candle
はっぽうfiring, discharge of gun
はっしょうorigin, appearance of auspicious omen
はっしょうちcradle (of civilisation, civilization, etc.), birthplace
ほったんthe beginning
はっかくdetection, coming to light
はつげんutterance, speech, proposal
ほっきにんoriginator, promoter
ほっそく, はっそくstarting, inauguration, launch, founding, establishment, start-up
はっこうfermentation, zymosis
はっこうそa ferment
はつでんしょpower plant, power station
はつろappearance, expression, manifestation
しょくはつtouching off something, provocation
ゆうはつcause, induce, lead up to
ひんぱつfrequency, frequent occurrence
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