term | pronunciation | English |
出発 | しゅっぱつ・する | departure |
発つ | たつ | to depart (on a plane, train, etc.) (v5t) |
爆発 | ばくはつ | explosion, detonation, eruption |
発揮 | はっき | exhibition, demonstration, utilization |
発射 | はっしゃ | firing, shooting, discharge, catapult |
発想 | はっそう | expression (music), conceptualization |
発達 | はったつ | development, growth |
発展 | はってん | development, growth |
発売 | はつばい | sale |
発明 | はつめい | invention |
蒸発 | じょうはつ | evaporation, unexplained disappearance |
発行 | はっこう | issue (publications) |
発表 | はっぴょう | announcement, publication |
発見 | はっけん | discovery |
発車 | はっしゃ | departure of a vehicle |
開発 | かいはつ | development, exploitment (of resources) |
発電 | はつでん | generation (e.g. power) |
発音 | はつおん | pronunciation |
始発駅 | しはつえき | the starting (train) station |
アセトンブタノール発酵 | アセトンブタノールはっこう | acetone-butanol fermentation |
ロケット発射筒 | ロケットはっしゃとう | rocket launcher |
一触即発 | いっしょくそくはつ | critical (touch and go) situation, explosive situation |
併発 | へいはつ | concurrence, coincidence, complication (in illness) |
偶発 | ぐうはつ | sudden outbreak, accidental, incidental |
再発 | さいはつ | return, relapse, reoccurrence |
原発 | げんぱつ | nuclear power plant, nuclear power supply |
双発 | そうはつ | two-motored |
大詔渙発 | たいしょうかんぱつ | promulgation of an Imperial rescript |
始発 | しはつ | first train |
宇宙開発 | うちゅうかいはつ | space development |
宇宙開発事業団 | うちゅうかいはつじぎょうだん | National Space Development Agency, NASDA |
挑発 | ちょうはつ | provocation, stirring up, arousal |
挑発的 | ちょうはつてき | provocative, suggestive, lascivious |
排卵誘発剤 | はいらんゆうはつざい | ovulation-inducing drug |
揮発 | きはつ | volatilization, volatilisation |
揮発性 | きはつせい | volatile |
揮発油 | きはつゆ | gasoline, petrol, petroleum, benzine, volatile oil |
摘発 | てきはつ | exposing, unmasking, laying bare |
散発 | さんぱつ | sporadic, scattering |
未発表 | みはっぴょう | unpublished, not yet announced |
沖縄開発庁長官 | おきなわかいはつちょうちょうかん | Director General of Okinawa Development Agency |
活発 | かっぱつ | vigor, vigour, active, lively |
濫発 | らんぱつ | random firing, reckless firing, excessive issue |
発令 | はつれい | official announcement, proclamation |
発効 | はっこう | coming into effect |
発勁 | はっけい | release internal power |
発奮 | はっぷん | inspired, stimulated, roused |
発掘 | はっくつ | excavation; discovery (e.g. new talent) |
発汗 | はっかん | sweating, perspiration |
発泡 | はっぽう | foaming |
発泡スチロール | はっぽうスチロール | styrofoam, styrene foam, expanded polystyrene |
発注 | はっちゅう | ordering (materials), placing an order, order |
発煙筒 | はつえんとう | smoke candle |
発砲 | はっぽう | firing, discharge of gun |
発祥 | はっしょう | origin, appearance of auspicious omen |
発祥地 | はっしょうち | cradle (of civilisation, civilization, etc.), birthplace |
発端 | ほったん | the beginning |
発芽 | はつが | burgeoning |
発覚 | はっかく | detection, coming to light |
発言 | はつげん | utterance, speech, proposal |
発起人 | ほっきにん | originator, promoter |
発足 | ほっそく, はっそく | starting, inauguration, launch, founding, establishment, start-up |
発酵 | はっこう | fermentation, zymosis |
発酵乳 | はっこうにゅう | yoghurt |
発酵素 | はっこうそ | a ferment |
発電所 | はつでんしょ | power plant, power station |
発露 | はつろ | appearance, expression, manifestation |
触発 | しょくはつ | touching off something, provocation |
誘発 | ゆうはつ | cause, induce, lead up to |
頻発 | ひんぱつ | frequency, frequent occurrence |