meaning'exhausted, tire, weary'
 kunyomiつか.れる, -づか.れ, つか.らす
お疲れさまおつかれさまthank you; that's enough for today
疲らかすつからかすto fatigue, to exhaust
疲らすつからすto tire, to weary, to exhaust, to fatigue
疲れつかれtiredness, fatigue
疲れきるつかれきるto be exhausted, to be tired out
疲れたつかれたworn-out (as opposed to sleepy)
疲れるつかれるto get tired; to be worn out (e.g. of well used objects); to starve
疲れつかれはてbeing tired out
ひろうfatigue, weariness
ひへいexhaustion, impoverishment, ruin
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