meaning'have the honor to, sign of the monkey, 3-5PM, ninth sign of Chinese zodiac'
 kunyomiもう.す, もう.し-, さる
申しもうしあげるto tell, to say, to state
申しげるもうしあげるto say, to tell
申すもうす(hum) to be called, to say
申し込むもうしこむto apply for, to make an application
申しもうしわけapology, excuse
しんせいapplication, request, petition
じょうしんreport to a superior
ないしんunofficial report, confidential report
申しもうしいれproposal, offer, report, proposition, notice
申しもうしで, もうしいでproposal, request, claim, report, notice
申し立てもうしたてstatement, account (of something), declaration, allegation
申し込みもうしこみapplication, entry, request, subscription, offer, proposal, overture, challenge
しんこくreport, statement, filing a return, notification
とうしんreport, reply, findings
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