meaning'life, birth'
 onyomi セイ, ショウ
 kunyomiい.きる, い.かす, い.ける, う.まれる, う.まれ, うまれ, う.む, お.う, は.える, は.やす, き, なま, なま-, な.る, な.す, む.す, -う
い・きる、う・む、なま、きto live, to grow, be born, raw
生まれるうまれるto be born
しょうがくせいprimary school student
せいねんがっぴdate of birth
せんせいa teacher
じょしがくせいa girl student
ちゅうがくせいmiddle school student
がくせいa student
いちねんせいfirst-year student
だいがくせいuniversity student
生のおおぜいのgreat number of
せいぶつa living creature
なまたまごraw egg
生するしゃせいするto sketch, to paint [draw] from nature
生き生きいきいきvividly, lively
生きいきものliving thing, animal
生きるいきるto live, to exist
生じるしょうじるto produce, to yield, to result from, to arise
生ずるしょうずるto cause, to arise, to be generated (v5z)
じんせい(human) life (i.e. conception to death)
せいかつliving, life (one's daily existence), livelihood
せいぞんexistence, being, survival
生えるはえる(1) to grow, to spring up, (2) to cut (teeth)
せいさんproduction, manufacture
だんしがくせいa boy student
生けいけばなliving flower arrangement
せいちょうgrowth, increment
こうこうせいhigh school student
おめでとうございますおたんじょうびおめでとうございますHappy Birthday
となりの生はとなりのしばふはあおいthe grass is always greener on the other side
いちらんせいそうせいじidentical twins
いっしょうけんめいvery hard, with utmost effort, with all one's might, for dear life
いっしょうがいlifetime, one's whole life, all through life
托生いちれんたくしょうsharing one's lot with another
きょうらくせいかつgay life
じんせいてつがくphilosophy of life
かいしゃこうせいほうCorporate Rehabilitation Law
ほうきゅうせいかつしゃsalaried man
ゆうとうせいhonor student, honours student
ぜんしょうがいone's whole life
こうしょうがいpublic life, public career
しゃせいsketching, drawing from nature, portrayal, description
はつたんじょうfirst birthday
こうせいwelfare; (former) Ministry of Health and Welfare
こうせいねんきんwelfare pension
こうせいしょうMinistry of Health and Welfare (now Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare)
こくりつよぼうえいせいけんきゅうしょNational Institute of Health
じゅくせいprivate-school student
だいおうじょうpeaceful death
てんのうたんじょうびEmperor's Birthday Holiday
がくせいりょうstudent accommodation, student dormitory
りょうせいboarder, boarding student
ねんせいpupil in ... year, student in ... year
やよい, いやおいthird month of the lunar calendar; thick growth (of grass, etc.)
やよいじだいYayoi period (c. 300 BCE-300 CE)
おめでとうございますおたんじょうびおめでとうございますHappy Birthday
びせいぶつmicrobe, germ
の生ゆうゆうじてきのせいかつlife free from worldly cares
しんせいrebirth, new birth, nascent
あさじうbroad field of sparsely growing cogon grass
かんきょうえいせいenvironmental hygiene
瓜の蔓には生らぬうりのつるになすびはならぬlike begets like
生いおいしげるto grow thickly, to be overgrown
生えはえぬきnative-born, trueborn
生きいきじごくhell on earth, living hell
生きいきうめburying alive
生きいきがいsomething one lives for, purpose in life, raison d'etre
なまちゅうけい(on TV) "live" broadcast
せいきょうcooperative association, co-op store
せいめいほけんlife insurance
せいそくinhabiting, living
せいそくちhabitat, home (e.g. of the tiger)
せいたいmode of life, ecology; (animal) territory
せいしょくきgenital organ, genitalia, sexual organ, reproductive organ
しょうがいone's lifetime (i.e. one's existence until death)
しょうがいきょういくeducation for life
せいせっかいquick lime
きっすいpure, genuine, natural-born
きいとraw silk thread
なまぐさいfishy, raw, smelling of fish or blood
せいたんbirth, nativity
せいかんreturning alive, (baseball) reaching the home plate
りゅうがくせいoverseas student, exchange student
ふくりこうせいwelfare program, welfare programme
立ちたちおうじょうbring to a standstill, stalling, stranding
たいぼうせいかつhard life, life of austerity
生えめばえbud, sprout
生えるめばえるto bud, to sprout
えいせいhealth, hygiene, sanitation, medical
やせいwild, growing wild; I
しょくせいかつeating habits
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