meaning'single, alone, spontaneously, Germany'
 onyomiドク, トク
こまspinning top
独りひとりalone, unmarried
独りひとりごとa soliloquy, a monologue, speaking to oneself
たんどくsole, independence, single, solo (flight)
ゆいがどくそんself-conceit, self-centeredness, vainglory
てんがいこどくa person without a single relative
こどくisolation, loneliness, solitude
とうどくEast Germany
どくせんmonopoly; to monopolize, to hog
どくしょうvocal solo
どくぜんself-righteousness, self-justified
どくとくpeculiarity, uniqueness, characteristic
どっきんほうantitrust law, Antitrust Act
独立どくりつindependence (e.g. Independence Day), self-support
独立どくりつこくindependent state or nation
どくじoriginal, peculiar, characteristic, proprietary
どくさいdictatorship, despotism
どくそうrunning alone, doing things alone that should be done with others
どくしんbachelorhood, single, unmarried, celibate
どくしんりょうhostel for bachelors
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