meaning'crime, sin, offense'
 onyomiハン, ボン
はんにんoffender, criminal
ぼうはんprevention of crime
しゅけんしんぱんinfringement of sovereignty
しゅはんprincipal offence, principal offense, principal offender
しんぱんviolation, invasion, infringement
ゆかいはんcriminal who takes delight in people's reaction to his crimes
せんぱんwar criminal
せいじはんpolitical offense, political offence, political offender
はんこうcrime, criminal act, offence, offense
げんこうはんflagrante delicto, caught red-handed
せっとうはんtheft, stealing, larceny
ゆうかいはんkidnap, abduction
ゆうかいはんにんa kidnapper, an abductor
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