meaning'one-sided, leaf, sheet, right-side kata radical (no. 91)'
 kunyomiかた-, かた
けるかたづけるto tidy up, to put in order, to put away
はへんfragment, splinter, broken piece
あとかたづけtidying up, cleaning, clearing away, putting in order
だんぺんfragment, crumb, shred, bits and pieces
片やかたやon one hand, on the other hand
かたがわone side
かたてone hand
かたほうone side, one party, the other side, the other party
かたうでone arm; right-hand man
片袖かたそでづくえ, かたそでつくえdesk with a tier of drawers on one side
へんげんせきご(not even) a few words
かたあしone leg, one-legged
かたみちone-way (trip)
かたすみcorner, nook
かたすみにin a corner
片窟あへんくつopium den
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