term | pronunciation | English |
無い | ない | (to have) nothing, none there |
無し | なし | nothing |
無料 | むりょう | free of charge |
無くす | なくす | to lose something |
無くなる | なくなる | to disappear, to get lost |
御無沙汰 | ごぶさた | not writing or contacting for a while |
無 | ぶ | nothing, naught, nil, zero |
無沙汰 | ぶさた | neglecting to stay in contact |
無事 | ぶじ | safety, peace, quietness |
無地 | むじ | plain, unfigured |
無数 | むすう | countless number, infinite number |
無理 | むり | unreasonable |
皆無 | かいむ | nonexistent, nil, none |
無視 | むし | disregard, ignore |
間も無く | まもなく | soon, before long, in a short time |
無限 | むげん | infinite |
無駄な | むだな | futile; useless; pointless |
無駄 | むだ | futility, uselessness |
南無妙法蓮華経 | なむみょうほうれんげきょう | Glory to the Sutra, Hail Lotus Sutra |
南無阿弥陀仏 | なむあみだぶつ | I sincerely believe in Amitabha, Lord have mercy on me |
厘毛の軽重無し | りんもうのけいちょうなし | equal in weight, equal in significance |
唯一無二 | ゆいいつむに | one and only, unique |
国際無線通信諮問委員会 | こくさいむせんつうしんしもんいいんかい | Comite Consultatif International des Radiocommunications, CCIR |
変哲も無い | へんてつもない | usual, mediocre, monotonous |
天壌無窮 | てんじょうむきゅう | as eternal as heaven and earth |
年甲斐も無い | としがいもない | unbecoming, unsuitable, wrong for one's age, disgraceful |
悪虐無道 | あくぎゃくむどう, あくぎゃくぶどう | treacherous, heinous, treasonous, atrocious |
惜しみ無く | おしみなく | without stint, freely |
感慨無量 | かんがいむりょう | deep emotion, one's mind is filled with thousand emotions |
敢え無く | あえなく | sadly, tragically |
有耶無耶 | うやむや | indefinite, hazy, vague |
無作為 | むさくい | at random, unintentional |
無償 | むしょう | no compensation, free of charge |
無免許 | むめんきょ | unlicensed |
無党派層 | むとうはそう | unaffiliated voters, floating voters, swinging voters |
無冠 | むかん | uncrowned |
無効 | むこう | invalid, no effect, unavailable, illegal |
無国籍 | むこくせき | statelessness |
無報酬 | むほうしゅう | free of charge, gratuitous, without pay |
無尽蔵 | むじんぞう | inexhaustible supply |
無届け | むとどけ | without notice, without leave |
無常迅速 | むじょうじんそく | the (fast) pace at which life passes, the nearness of death |
無我夢中 | むがむちゅう | being absorbed in, losing oneself in |
無所属 | むしょぞく | independent |
無批判 | むひはん | uncritically |
無投票 | むとうひょう | without a vote |
無抵抗 | むていこう | nonresistance |
無援 | むえん | helpless, unsupporting |
無条件 | むじょうけん | unconditional |
無欲 | むよく | unselfish, disinterested, unavaricious, free of avarice |
無死 | むし | baseball with no outs |
無秩序 | むちつじょ | disorder, chaos, confusion |
無粋 | ぶすい | no sense of refinement, inelegant, lacking in polish, unromantic, boorish |
無線 | むせん | wireless, radio |
無縁 | むえん | unrelated, without relations, unidentified, indifferent |
無罪 | むざい | innocence |
無職 | むしょく | without an occupation |
無脊椎動物 | むせきついどうぶつ | invertebrate |
無臭 | むしゅう | odorless, odourless, unscented |
無菌 | むきん | sterilised, pasteurised, pasteurized |
無謀 | むぼう | reckless, thoughtless, recklessness |
無責任 | むせきにん | irresponsibility |
無邪気 | むじゃき | innocence, simple-mindedness |
無関係 | むかんけい | unrelated |
無頼 | ぶらい | villainy |
無駄にする | むだにする | to render futile, to bring to naught, to waste, to not make good use of |
無駄遣い | むだづかい | wasting ... on (e.g. money), squandering, waste, frittering away |
甲斐無し | かいなし | worthless, useless, hopeless |
縦横無尽 | じゅうおうむじん | freely, right and left, as one pleases |
荒唐無稽 | こうとうむけい | absurdity, nonsense, preposterous |
虚無 | きょむ | nihility, nothingness |
遮二無二 | しゃにむに | desperately, recklessly, rush headlong |
遺憾無く | いかんなく | unobjectionally, fully |